Friday 23 July 2010

Adios Mexico City

Another part of my journey comes to an end... Mexico City is really rainy as another tropical storm just passed through, but considering that it is hurricane season, the weather has not been too awful. I have been doing lots of sightseeing and yesterday we visited a really cool cactus forest and took lots of great photos.

Things I have learned in Central America and Mexico:

1. In a fight between a crab and a dog, the crab will win
2. If someone offers you lime flavoured crisps, just say no
3. Adding an o onto the end of the word does not mean you are speaking Spanish
4. A Ferreteria does not sell Ferrets
5. You can costal breathe under water

Some numbers:

Overnight buses: 1
Flights: 0 (I have flight withdrawal now!)
Fajitas: 20 and counting
Number of times I watched '7 ounces' on a bus: 6
Number of times '7 ounces' was in English: 0