Friday 9 July 2010

Tulum, Mexico

Caye Caulker was absolutely lovely¡ I thoroughly enjoyed island life and the locals are very friendly indeed. I went snorkelling on Wednesday afternoon (I think it was Wednesday- I have no concept of days or time anymore) and it was just brilliant. I saw 2 sea turtles, a sting ray and even hopped in the water to swim with nurse sharks. My favourite part was seeing a manatee; they are so slow, they just saunter along taking their time. Overall, an experience not to be missed!

I´m now in Mexico and went to visit Tulum this morning, another Mayan site. I think you should all feel very lucky that I´m writing this blog as I won´t expect anyone to sit through hundreds of photos of crumbling ruins! Tulum was very picturesque but mainly because it was directly on the coast, so we cut the ruin tour short to jump in the turquoise ocean. Lovely.

Right now there is a tropical storm raging outside so I am catching up with internet work, booking hostels for Mexico City and Beijing and replying to everyone´s emails. The glamour never stops...!