Thursday 19 August 2010

Hello Hong Kong!

On Wednesday I crossed the border from China into Hong Kong. Everyone else I am travelling with was super excited about using facebook for the first time in a month and instantly logged on when we reached the hotel. I was more concerned about finding a Marks and Spencers to buy chocolate viennese sandwich fingers (also known as the best biscuits ever). Happily, I found out that there are 8 M&S branches in Hong Kong, catering for the ex-pat community and therefore I ran to the nearest store to indulge my stomach.

Once I had satisfied my biscuit craving, I went to the evening light show 'A Symphony of Lights' which happens every night in Hong Kong Harbour. The skyscrapers light up to music and the show holds the World Record for the largest sound and light show in the world.

I really like Hong Kong; the juxtaposition between the old and new architecture is interesting and there is plenty to do. Before I left, I researched lots of walking tours for most cities I visit so that I can see real neighbourhoods and cover ground in the most efficient way (typical me!), and I had 3 walking tours for Hong Kong that took me to places including the zoo, botanical gardens and to the Chinese herbal remedy district, where I saw dried flying lizard rat things attached to wooden poles and also dried shark was a good day!

Yesterday, I visited Lantau Island which was like what I imagine the Thunderbirds Island to be like, if it actually existed. The weather was beautiful, palm fronds lined the roads, water buffalo roamed freely and the buildings were all cool retro 70's creations. The only thing missing was Lady Penelope. On the island I visited Tai O fishing village, a stilt village home to the Tanka people, who are frightened to live on the land, and I saw the worlds' largest Buddha statue, which was ENORMOUS!

Today I snuck back into my old hotel to use their free internet to write this blog and to upload my Mexico and China photos to flikr, to keep them safe. Once this has been done, I'll send the link so you can all have a browse at my journey so far. Other than that there is nothing new to report; I am excited but nervous to go to Thailand tomorrow and am looking forward to investigating the many Toastmasters meetings and hopefully winning a 'best speaker' ribbon.

Hong Kong is my half way point for travelling; I have now been away for 3 months and have 3 months left until I come home. Every day, my decision to see the world makes more and more sense to me. I am having an absolutely fantastic time and am so happy to see such wonderful things every day and meet so many new people. I'm on time, on budget, working hard on McGuire and am ready for the second half of my adventure! Roll on Khaosan Road craziness!