Thursday 19 August 2010

Terracotta Warriors‏

I know I only really update my blog or email everyone once per week but this was a special occasion! This week I saw the Terracotta Warriors in Xi'an, and they were breathtaking. Prior to seeing them, I wasnt sure what to expect, (maybe a field with some crumbling figures in?!), but they absolutely blew my mind.

The day was sweltering hot; about 40 degrees and very humid. Upon entering the first vault, we were met with a huge aircraft style hangar, with row upon row of terracotta warriors. In total, there are 8000 warriors spread over 3 vaults, and the warriors are interspersed with chariots, horses and other items to protect the emporer in his afterlife. Vault 2 contained the most senior members of the army, and Vault 3 has yet to be excavated, so it was interesting to see how the Warriors were found- buried in tunnels covered with wooden beams.

Our guide was extremely knowledgeable, and told us about how the warriors were built over 70 years, and they took 700 craftspeople to build them. The emporer died before the army was completed, so he ordered his inner circle to bury alive(!) everyone who worked on the warriors once they had been completed, to prevent them revealing the secret of where the warriors were located. The warriors were found in 1974, by 4 peasants sinking a well in a paddy field. I think this aspect of the story interested me most- if the peasants had sunk the well just 0.5 metres in any other direction, the warriors would not have been found... It also made me consider what other treasures may lie under the ground across the world.

Simply amazing. A true 'travelling' moment. I have attached two photos but will attach more to my blog from Hong Kong.

I'm about to board a boat to visit the Three Gorges Dam now so will send another update on Monday, hopefully with lots of picturesque photos of Chinese countryside! I hope that everyone considers this break from normal blogging service to be worthwhile!