Monday 30 August 2010

Canals, catfish, cockroaches and Chiang Mai

Yesterday we went for a tour of Bangkok's Khlongs (canals) which saw us on a traditional longtail boat with a boat driver who thought we were in a James Bond film, and hundreds of catfish which splashed the boat (and us, with cold, smelly canal water) to let us know they wanted to be fed...eau de canal was the smell of the day!

After the boat ride, we stopped at Wat Po to see the golden Buddha. I saw the worlds largest Buddha a few weeks ago so although this was impressive, I was more interested in intricate pattern of the mother of pearl inlay on the Buddha's feet than the statue itself. Please see photo which illustrates better than my poor discriptions.

The evening brought an overnight train to Chiang Mai, where I am now. The train was different to Chinese trains and each bed had a little privacy curtain to block light out and the beds were more comfortable. Unfortunately, our cabin was riddled with cockroaches and the swift motion of a flip flop connecting with a roach was often heard. Add this to the 'Doors of Death', which sealed each cabin unexpectedly and often on someone's hand/foot/shoulder/head and you have some unhappy travellers. I did not mind the cockroaches so much as they do not bite you or harm you in any way, and the one I saw last night by my feet was still around this morning which gave me confidence that I had not eaten him during my sleep.

My speech was quite ropey on Sunday as I was getting used to talking again but today it has been back to normal, so I'm very happy that I did the extra practice last week. I think maybe I need to stop being such a perfectionist and putting pressure on myself to be fluent in every situation as its not going to happen! (And there is even less chance with the pressure I put myself under).

All in all, a good result and I am excited to cross into Laos tomorrow for some tubing on the river. Happy days.