Sunday 31 October 2010

Borneo Part 2- Men of the Forest

Kinabalu over, it was time to head to the jungle where I stayed in a lodge for 2 days and spent time on the river looking for wildlife. My eagle eyes were rewarded with a rare sighting of a wild orangutan, crocodiles and various monkeys!

The jungle lodge had several tame visitors- George the Monitor lizard, Maggie the bearded pig and Thomas the civet cat. Bizarre, but a great experience all the same! I found out that the base note for Chanel Number 5 perfume comes from a civet cat's anal glands, which was some interesting party trivia.

I was also lucky enough to visit Sepilok, the orangutan rehabilitation centre to see the men of the forest in their natural habitat. Two orangutans were mothers with babies (which were adorable), and the dominant male had a ridiculously wide face, which is what the lady orangutans find very handsome indeed!

Leechwatch: Doing fine so far with no leeches, but we are hiking to a remote hill tribe next week so I am ready to see some then. Our guide advised 'rolling them like a bogey' and flicking them away, so I shall see how that works.