Thursday 14 October 2010

Fortune favours the brave

Following a gruelling 10 hour bus journey up Malaysia's west coast, I arrived in George Town. I wasn't sure what to expect because it receives very mixed reviews, but the place itself was charming enough and it killed time until I fly to Borneo. I found nice people (finally!) to sightsee with, and as part of the tourist Heritage Trail, we got our fortunes told by one of Malaysia's oldest tarot card readers.

Auntie Sim works out of a shack near George Town's central market, and from the start I was apprehensive because I only let one of my dear American friends read my cards as she is the only one I trust to tell me the truth about what she sees. The problem with the reading in George Town was that it was so vague, she literally could have been talking about anyone. The reading itself was like a comedy film: she spoke rapidly for about 30 seconds and her husband would translate maybe 4 words into English... so I wondered what she was really saying! The results: I will have a "not bad time" travelling(!), I have to listen to my gut instinct, relax and not think too much. Thanks for that, Auntie Sim!

The hostel in George Town was my worst so far; hamsters everywhere and no air conditioning which is vital in 40 degree heat. Sleep was an unavailable luxury in George Town; the person in the bed under me kept scratching his body throughout the night, which shook the cheap bed frame. I finally drifted off to sleep at about 5am. Then at 6am, I awoke to him shaking my shoulders and trying to show me his bites. No word of a lie. This was the conversation:

Scratchy Man: Have you been bitten?
Me: No (Thank you, NHS London, for my silk sleeping sheet!)
Scratchy: Well, I have.
Me: Oh, ok.
Scratchy: Look, all down my arms and legs. There are bedbugs here.
Me: Ok. Well, why dont you move beds?
Scratchy: I like this bed.
Me: But you think it has bedbugs?
Scratchy: I stayed in this bed in this hostel 6 weeks ago, and I got bedbugs then, too.
Me: Ri-ght. So why did you come back?
Scratchy: (not answering) Look! They are everywhere on me!

In the end, I closed my eyes to ensure he got the message that I did not want to talk (yes readers, I know I have complained about lack of talking recently but I think you'll forgive me for not feeling particularly chatty at 6am with someone who has kept me awake all night because he is a moron).

My daily running routine has stepped up a gear in preparation to hike the beast, Borneo's Mount Kinabalu, in 2 weeks' time. Mount K is South East Asia's highest point and half the height of Everest. Apparently, you need bucketloads of mental endurance to reach the summit for sunrise, so I shall be conserving my energy for what should be a highlight of my jaunt.

In the meantime, another random speaking opportunity came my way. Some of you know that I used to live in a zoo, and as a result of this, I know several zoo keepers. Whilst discussing the lack of speaking with one of them, he mentioned the possibility of me volunteering in KL zoo, to ensure that I keep the speaking up. Never one to miss an opportunity, I instantly accepted the challenge and hotfooted it down to KL and am ready to start work at Kuala Lumpur's Zoo Negara first thing tomorrow morning. I volunteer with them until Wednesday so I am excited but nervous to see what this week will bring!